
Returns all possible 1326 combinations of cards one might hold.

detailRangeAll(): Set
Set: set of all possible card combos


Provides all combos of the card range that are found in the provided set.

detailRangeIn(set: Set, cards: String): Set
set (Set) to be queried for the combos that are represented by the range
cards (String) the cards for which to give a detailed combo range, i.e. 'AKs'
Set: all combos that are represented by the given range and also found in the set


Provides all possible combinations of a given part of a card range.

 '99'  => '9h9s', '9h9d', '9h9c', '9s9d', '9s9c', '9d9c'

 'AKs' => 'AhKh', 'AsKs', 'AdKd', 'AcKc'

 'KQo' => 'KhQs', 'KhQd', 'KhQc', 'KsQh', 'KsQd', 'KsQc',
          'KdQh', 'KdQs', 'KdQc', 'KcQh', 'KcQs', 'KcQd'

 'JT'  => 'JhTh', 'JhTs', 'JhTd', 'JhTc', 'JsTh', 'JsTs', 'JsTd', 'JsTc',
          'JdTh', 'JdTs', 'JdTd', 'JdTc', 'JcTh', 'JcTs', 'JcTd', 'JcTc'
detailRange(cards: String): Set
cards (String) the cards for which to give a detailed combo range, i.e. 'AKs' Note: that AKs is considered the same as KAs and no duplicate combos will be included
Set: set of all possible combinations on how to hold the combo


Calculates a range from the detail combos, i.e. obtained via detailRange.

rangeFromDetail(): any
any: object with the following props:
  • {Map} pairs: all pairs found grouped, i.e. AA: { AdAs, AdAc ... }
  • {Map} suiteds: all suiteds found grouped, i.e. AKs: { AdKd, AcKc ... }
  • {Map} offsuits: all offsuits found grouped, i.e. AKo: { AdKc, AcKs ... }
  • {Set} incomplete: all incomplete ranges, i.e. AA if one possible AA combo was missing
  • {Set} complete: all complete ranges, i.e. AA if none possible AA combo was missing
  • {Set} all: union of incomplete and complete